The Humane Society is always happy to have volunteers come out and help care for our animals. The animals like new faces as well.
Are you interested in Volunteering? Please contact HSoP and schedule your first shift! Due to limited space, HSoP can only accommodate so many volunteers at one time.
Volunteer Hours are available Monday through Friday from 2:00-5:00. We can schedule up to three volunteers at a time.
Sign up for your shift today!
Contact HSoP by phone at (208) 883-1166 or through email at
Do you have questions about volunteering with us? Click here to visit our Volunteering FAQs!

Junior Volunteers
Additional Guidelines for Younger Volunteers
You must be at least 12 years old to be a junior volunteer. During their first volunteering shift, junior volunteers must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to go over rules, sign the application, and ensure their child understands the process.
After the initial supervised shift, junior volunteers can volunteer alone for up to one hour per day. Junior volunteers are not allowed in the dog kennels without their parent or guardian.
There is a 3-strikes rule! If we have to remind you about following these rules three times, you will not be allowed to return to volunteer without a parent.
HSoP cannot accommodate volunteers under the age of 12 at this time.
***Junior Volunteers can socialize with animals that are already accustomed to younger people. If an animal is not comfortable or socialized with children, you will not be allowed to interact with them.***
Dog Walking
Our dogs love getting to go on walks! These mini adventures offer a fun break from the shelter environment, and give our pups a chance to practice their leash skills before going home. If you'd like to help our pups get some relaxing walks in, we would love to have your help!
If you haven't already, be sure to fill out and submit a volunteer application.
Next, fill out and submit the dog walking form above. Be sure to carefully read all guidelines.
Just like that, you're all set to walk some dogs! We will ask to hold onto your ID while you're out.
***Junior volunteers cannot walk dogs by themselves. If they are accompanied by an adult parent or guardian, then the junior volunteer can accompany the adult for the walk, but may not control the leash.***
Group Volunteering
Thank you for considering HSoP as the beneficiary of your groups’ philanthropy! Due to space restrictions at HSoP, we are unable to accommodate large groups of volunteers on site. However, groups can do a lot for the animals currently at HSoP by organizing fundraisers, pet food drives, or pet supply collections for the homeless animals of Latah County.
While we aren’t able to accommodate groups at our shelter, your group efforts can still make a huge difference to the homeless animals found within your community.
After your group has organized a fundraiser, supported a pet food drive for our Pet Food Pantry, or done a supply collection, a tour is a wonderful way to top off the experience! This is a great way for your group to see exactly how your efforts have benefited your pet community.
To schedule a group tour, or for fun ideas for group projects, please contact us by phone at (208)883-1166 or through email at information@humanesocietyofthepalouse.org.
Fun ideas for how groups can help:
Car washes
Volunteering at HSoP events
Bake sales
Supply donation drives
Pet food drives
Making dog toys
Making dog treats
Making cat treats
Making cat toys
Making blankets for our kitties!
Our cats and kittens love to lie on handmade blankets. You can knit, crochet, or tie blanks out of fleece. The recommended measurement is about 18-20” x 18-20” when you’re finished.
Court-Mandated Community Service
Thank you for your interest in serving your mandated community service hours at the Humane Society of the Palouse. Individuals seeking to fulfill community service requirements do not participate in the volunteer program: they complete projects and tasks that do not involve any contact with the animals or the clients at the shelter.
Community Service Volunteers must read the guidelines, complete information profile, and sign the code of conduct/waiver in order to get started. Please note that the Humane Society of the Palouse reserves the right to refuse a Community Service Volunteer for any reason.
Community Service Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.
Volunteers must schedule in advance
Time slots available are from 9:30 am – 12:00 pm, Monday – Saturday
To sign up, please contact HSoP by phone at (208) 883-1166
HSoP reserves the right to turn away any Community Service Volunteers who do not show up on time, and to ask Community Service Volunteers to leave early if there is not enough work available.
Shifts are filled on a first come, first serve basis and HSoP can only accommodate 1 volunteer per day.
Duties may include laundry, dishes, sorting donations, cleaning, and more.
Dress Protocol
To prevent slipping, exposure to harsh cleaning chemicals, and injuries, all Community Service Volunteers must wear flat, enclosed rubber-sole shoes at all times.
All Community Service Volunteers must not wear thong sandals, flip flops, or any shoe with an open toe, torn clothing, cut-off shorts, T-shirts with controversial or offensive messages, halter tops, backless shirts, half-shirts, muscle shirts, tank tops, dangling earrings, or other jewelry that may interfere with volunteer duties.
DIY Volunteering Ideas
Are you interested in helping HSoP but are unable to come into HSoP during our hours of operation?
This page has ideas for how you can still help homeless animals. Did you know that providing homeless dogs and cats with toys is very important for their well-being? The ideas on this page can help you make some very special critters their own toys that are theirs to keep both at HSoP and in their new home.
Do you have a large group that would like to help HSoP?
These ideas are great for a large group to do together and then bring into HSoP. Under each idea, you will find how many volunteer hours you can receive for donating these DIY items.

Stuffed Monkey’s Fist Knot:
1 hour awarded per every 2 toys.
Click here for instructions.
No-Sew Fleece Blankets:
1 hour awarded per every 2 blankets.
Click here for instructions.
Fleece Dog & Cat Toy:
1 hour awarded per every 5 toys.
Click here for instructions.
Flirt Pole:
1 hour awarded per every 2 toys.
Click here for instructions.
Ball & Tug Dog Toy
1 hour awarded per every 2 toys.
Click here for instructions.