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  • Thank You Page | HSoP

    Thank you, Donor Name We are so grateful for your generous donation of $0. Your donation number is #1000. You’ll receive a confirmation email soon.

  • Donate | Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    Donations from our community allow us to provide lifesaving care everyday. Learn more about how and what to donate to our shelter. Donate Donate The second chances and lifesaving care we provide here at HSoP would not be possible without the generous donations we receive from our community members. About 35% of our yearly budget is sourced from donations, so donors really play a huge role in making our mission a reality! Any size or type of donation is extremely valuable to our shelter. As we like to say, every penny counts! Donations made to HSoP ensure our animals can be fully vaccinated before adoption, guarantee all of our animals can be spayed or neutered, and make sure the medical needs of each animal can be met. Please consider making a donation to HSoP. Our furry friends would be so thankful for your help! Donations will go toward our general operating expenses unless otherwise specified. You can click below to donate through PayPal or Venmo, or come inside to donate via cash, card, or check. Cash and checks can also be mailed to 2019 E. White Ave Moscow, ID. Thank you for thinking of our animals! Donate Now on PayPal Donate Now on Venmo Make a donation We could not make the impact for homeless pets that we do without our generous supporters like you. Thank you for donating to our mission, and being a part of our lifesaving team! Frequency One time One time Monthly Monthly Amount $10.00 $10.00 $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $500.00 $500.00 Other Other 0/100 Comment (optional) Donate Merlin Fund HSoP Merlin Fund What happens when a homeless companion animal is in need of a life-saving surgery? With help like yours, they receive their much needed veterinary care and receive a second chance. Without donations like yours, sadly, these animals would have no option but to be euthanized. The HSoP Merlin Fund is our life-saving surgery and emergency medical care fund. This fund operates solely on donations from our generous pet-loving community. The kind donors who contributed made the following success stories possible. To donate to our Merlin Fund online, please write "Merlin Fund" in the comments. Merlin Success Stories: Want to raise donations for HSoP? How to hold a donation drive for HSoP: Contact us at to let us know you are interested in hosting a fundraiser for us. You will be emailed the following documents to support your efforts: Current Humane Society of the Palouse Wish List . Humane Society of the Palouse Logo to use at your drive, or on social media. Pictures of animals at HSoP (if requested) Host your donation drive If you post it on Facebook or Instagram, please tag HSoP, so we can share it to our page. When you are finished, contact HSoP to schedule a time to drop off your donations Bring your donations to 2019 E. White Ave. Moscow, Idaho 83843 HSoP will take a picture to post on social media thanking you for your efforts to help the homeless pets of Latah County. Who can host a donation drive? Businesses can host a donation drive with their employees and customers. Students can host a drive with their classmates and friends. Sororities and fraternities can host a drive with their houses or at their university. You can host a donation drive for your birthday! If you don’t want gifts, you can ask that gifts be donated to HSoP in honor of your birthday. HSoP is grateful for such a supportive community, and no donation is too big or too small. We truly appreciate your thoughtfulness to raise the much needed donations we need to provide second chances to the pets in our care! Donating used pet supplies Donating Used Pet Supplies Do you have pet supplies that your pet no longer uses or likes? HSoP can accept many used pet donations to care for the homeless pets in our shelter! HSoP cannot accept prescription medications from your pets. If you have medications that your pet no longer needs, please call your local veterinary clinic to donate them. HSoP uses Animal Clinic and Hospital. If you donate the medications there, they can prescribe those medications to us at no charge when we have a pet in need! Enrichment at HSoP Thank you Animal Rescue Aid for providing our homeless pups with 16 dog cots to keep them comfortable, and kong toys and treats to keep them happy! We truly appreciate your support in our efforts to provide our pets with the five freedoms.

  • Adoptable Pets | Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    Come check out all of our adoptable pets! We keep this page as updated as possible, so keep coming back for more furry friends! Meet Our Adoptable Pets! If you're looking for a specific type of pet, please give us a call at (208) 883-1166 . We can add you to our pet wish list and contact you when or if a pet matching your description becomes available for adoption. If you're looking for a working barn cat to assist with the rodent population in your shop or garage, please visit our Barn Buddies page to check if there are any available barn cats. Adoption Process Adoption Applications Becky Bo Intelligent Fred Venmo Beluga Sven Sinatra Seal Merret Tulip Interested in meeting any of our adoptable pets? The shelter is open for walk-in visits between 1:00-6:00pm Monday through Saturday. Dog kennels close for public viewing at 5:00pm each day, and adoptions end at 5:30pm. We encourage y ou to stop by and see if we have your new best friend! HSoP is located at 2019 E White Ave Moscow, ID 83843. If you have any questions about our adoptable pets, our adoption process, or anything else, please reach out! You can call us at (208) 883-1166 or send us an email at Pets are adopted and become available for adoption nearly every day. We do our very best to keep this page up to date, but cannot guarantee 100% accuracy. Kittens are rarely adoptable for long enough to make it to the website. So be sure to visit! It's the best way to see all of our lovable friends who are looking for homes.

  • Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    The mission of Humane Society of the Palouse is to ensure the humane treatment, welfare, and safety of companion animals in Moscow and Latah county. SAVE A PET, DONATE NOW! Support HSoP with PayPal Becky Appointments required. Beluga Trap Neuter Return Becky Appointments required. 1/15 Support HSoP with Venmo Wobbles, forever the queen of HSoP ♥ The Five Freedoms HSoP is dedicated to providing the animals in our facility with the highest level of care possible during their stay with us. Adhering to the Five Freedoms ensures we are giving the companion animals in our care everything they need to live a healthy and happy life. Staff monitors each pet at HSoP individually to identify their specific mental and physical needs, so we can be sure to give them the most humane treatment during their temporary stay with us. Our shelter is committed to providing animals with: 1. Freedom from Hunger and Thirst An adequate and healthful diet, with ready access to fresh drinking water. 2. Freedom from Discomfort An appropriate living environment including a clean and comfortable resting area. 3. Freedom from Pain, Injury, and Disease Prevention or rapid diagnosis, and treatment for injury or illness. 4. Freedom to Express Normal Behaviors Sufficient space, exercise, and ability to be with animal's own kind. 5. Freedom from Fear and Distress Conditions and treatment that avoid mental suffering and stress.

  • Paws and Pearls Gala | HSoP

    We can't wait to see you January 23rd, 2026, 5:30pm-8:00pm The Great Room of the 1912 Center Thank you to all who attended and made this event a grand success. We cannot express the gratitude we feel. Our incredible community helped us raise $20,227 for the homeless pets of Latah County! Take a look at the incredible photos captured from our first-ever fundraising gala. Thank you Safe Sax Photography! We can't wait to see you again next year! DSC_1416-Enhanced-NR DSC_1744-Enhanced-NR DSC_0902-Enhanced-NR DSC_1416-Enhanced-NR 1/40 Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsors Bronze Sponsors Helping Paws Sponsors Auction Sponsors Dessert Auction Sponsors

  • SNAP | Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    Learn about the Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP) offered by our shelter. This program lowers the cost of a spay or neuter surgery for owned pets. Spay & Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP) SNAP Application If you have a pet that needs fixed but just can't quite afford the full cost of surgery, we can help. We maintain a special program to help people cover the cost of spaying and neutering their pets. This program is funded entirely by donations. There are no income limits to qualify for assistance, we simply ask that people use this program only if they truly need the help. Additionally, if you have some change to spare to this program, look for our donation banks on store counters all over Moscow. All funding from those banks will directly support SNAP. This is a coupon program open to all residents of Latah County, that need financial assistance with spaying or neutering their pet. We give you a coupon good for money off the price of a spay or neuter. $90.00 towards a spay, and $50.00 towards a neuter. Vouchers can be used at any veterinary office participating in the program. If you need assistance, just drop by the shelter for a form or download and print the application. This form must be completed and then mailed into the address on the form. Please plan ahead when making your spay and neuter appointments, as it can take about two weeks to get the coupon in your hand, and you must have the coupon at the time of appointment. Sorry, but coupons can not be used to cover the expense of prior surgeries. If you have any other questions about this program, please contact us. You can help keep HSoP SNAP going! Please consider contributing to this much needed program. Every penny helps save lives. You can donate online: (Please put "SNAP" in the comment) Mail Checks to: HSoP P.O. Box 8847 Moscow, ID 83483 (Please put "SNAP" as the memo) Or stop by HSoP! 2019 E. White Ave, Moscow ID

  • Board of Directors | Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    Learn about the people who make up HSoP's board of directors! These volunteers work together to operate the shelter and save lives. Board of Directors HSoP is administered by an elected volunteer board of directors. These are citizens of our community who are interested and passionate about animal protection, adoption, and education. These working directors donate time and experience to direct and help fund the shelter. The board meets once on a month, on the third Tuesday at 6:00pm. Karen Den Braven President Scott Smith Vice President Beverly Rhoades Treasurer Stacey Kingsbury Secretary Susila Bales, DVM Emily Spellman Pam Vander Zanden McKenna Caples Sandra Kelly Chris Schwartz Dan Cordon James Johnson (Ding) Jessica Dahlinger Nate Sletteland Ashley Bogar Heather Niccoli

  • Adoption Applications | Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    The place to get an application for your new best friend once you find the purrrfect match! Adoption Applications Cat Pre-Adoption Application Cat Adoption Contract Dog Pre-Adoption Application Dog Adoption Contract Small Animal Application Applications can be emailed to or delivered to HSoP during open hours To view our adoptable pets, click here!

  • Services | Humane Society of the Palouse | Moscow

    Learn about the services we offer to residents of Moscow and Latah County. This covers animal intake, owner surrenders, stray pets, bite quarantine holds, and City of Moscow dog licenses. Microchipping When a stray pet comes to HSoP, the first thing we do is scan them for a microchip. If they have one, this will tell us exactly how to get in contact with the owners. Microchips are placed under the pet's skin and are about the size of a grain of rice. Microchipping Engraved Pet ID Tags If your pet were to wander off and get lost, the first thing their finder would look for is an ID tag. ID tags provide contact information for pet owners, which can greatly speed up the process of getting a lost pet home. HSoP has an IMARC pet ID tag engraver that we offer as a service for local pet owners. Customized tags cost $12.00, and there are plenty of styles to choose from. City of Moscow Dog License Pet ID Tags Did you know that every dog in Moscow needs to be registered with the City of Moscow? Thankfully, your humane society is here to help! With cash or check, you can purchase a lifetime license from HSoP. "Fixed" animals, or those who are spayed or neutered, cost $25 for a lifetime license. "Unfixed" or intact dogs cost $35 for a lifetime license. Give us a call today to learn more! City Dog License

  • Pet ID Tags | HSoP

    Engraved Pet ID Tags What is the first line of defense when a beloved pet goes missing? After finding a lost cat or dog, most people will immediately look to see if there is an ID tag on the pet's collar. Usually, these ID tags contain the pet's name and their owner's phone number. This makes it easy for the person who found the missing pet to contact the owner directly. Pet ID tags can help lost pets avoid spending the night in our facility by allowing them to be reunited in no time. At HSoP, we know that pet ID tags are extremely important. In January of 2022, we were gifted an IMARC pet tag engraving system to keep at our facility. This generous gift has given us the ability to offer customized pet ID tags as a service for pet owners throughout our region. Custom pet ID tags at HSoP cost $12.00 each and take about 3 minutes to make. This price includes the tag itself, the engraved text, and a key ring to connect the tag to your pet's collar. Our hope is that this service will encourage local pet owners to give their companions some easy-to-read identification. We want lost and escaped pets to come home ASAP, and these tags help immensely in that process! A photo of our IMARC pet tag engraving system Some of our available shapes and colors An example of our pet ID tags

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Bissell Pet Foundation branding.

We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit

EIN: 82-0349958

2019 E White Ave

PO Box 8847

Moscow, Idaho 83843

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© 2022 by Humane Society of the Palouse.


Humane Society of the Palouse is a proud Recipient of funding from Maddie's Fund®,


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