December 1977
The need for a humane
society in Latah County
On December 13th, 1977, The Idahoan published an article titled "The Man Who Kills Dogs". The author, David Johnson, wrote a gritty and detailed account of the euthanasia taking place every day at what was once the Moscow Pound.
The response to Johnson's article was swift and substantial. Within days of being published, the Idahoan received several letters to the editor. Some of the titles included "Do Something", "Don't Dump Them", and "Form Humane Society".
The people of Moscow were moved by Johnson's article, and soon the idea of a humane society seemed both possible and necessary.
January 1978
The first steps
Following the cries for a Humane Society to be formed, a group of Latah County residents took it upon themselves to make it happen. Lorin Roberts and J.D. Farrar led the march when it came to getting a humane society up and running.
In 1978, a yearly membership with the humane society costed individuals $5. There was no building, or even real plans for it. But there were plenty of people who cared enough to get organized.