Meet the HSoP Staff
CEO (Cat Executive Officer)
The CEO (Cat Executive Officer) is a very important role at HSoP. As our sole CEO, NoTail ensures that everyone at the shelter is doing what they're supposed to be doing. She also works hard at being our greeter, HR representative, security guard, and overall bringer-of-joy. Make sure to pay NoTail her kisses tax the next time you visit HSoP! She can usually be found on our front counter during open hours.
NoTail is a bit of a legend around here, and just celebrated her (estimated) 19th birthday in May of 2024!

Animal Care Attendants
HSoP Animal Care Attendants (ACA) properly care for and humanely and safely handle all companion animals under HSoP care until they are reunited with their families or adopted into loving and responsible homes through adoption counseling.



Shelter Director
The Shelter Director is responsible for the effective and efficient daily operation of the Humane Society of the Palouse, ensuring that all animals are properly cared for and humanely and safely handled. The Shelter Director is also responsible for the management and training of staff, and financial tasks, reporting, and record-keeping.


To reach Sierah directly, please contact her through email at